
Look at your compounds in a new way

This free and easy-to-use Windows® and Mac® desktop application is specifically designed for scientists who want a simple way to load a set of molecule structures and easily browse through the data. Ocura enables you to simply load, scroll though, sort and manage data in a new way, giving you the ability to view and manipulate chemical structures.

Ocura offers two ways to look at data; a traditional table that you can easily configure, or Ocura's proprietary 'Molecule View' which summarises all of the data for a compound on a single screen. This innovative visual interface enables you to smoothly scroll through the data set and visualise the molecule in a unique way, offering a highly visual system to simply flick though images of chemical structures.

Within Ocura data can be organised, sorted and viewed according to the your own preferences. Multiple data sheets can be opened at the same time, while properties can be hidden, enabling you to choose what you want to see. The ability to merge data sets together from different sources is a key requirement for scientists when exploring compound data; typically this is very difficult to do on the desktop. However, with Ocura merging data sets is simple and there is no practical limit to the amount of data.

Compounds can be loaded into Ocura from SDF, SMILES, MOL, MOL2 or CSV files, as well as data files created with Optibrium's StarDrop and Sentira platforms. Interesting compounds can be selected from the data set and exported for more detailed investigation and entire data sets or summaries of individual molecules can be printed directly from Ocura. You can print from table view which provides a print out of the molecule properties or can print out the specific molecule view of a compound. Data can also be exported.

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