Screening Libraries: Expanding Options for Efficient Hit Finding

Screening Libraries: Expanding Options for Efficient Hit Finding

Event Date: June 2, 2021 - June 2, 2021

Location: Ukraine

Website: Link

Topics: Medicinal Chemistry

We invite you to join our webinar “Screening Libraries: Expanding Options for Efficient Hit Finding” which will take place on June 2, at 2.00 PM UTC.

In this webinar we will share latest advances in targeted library design, review notable case studies by Enamine, and introduce industry trends in computational hit discovery using advanced methods such as machine learning and deep learning. 

About Organizer: 

Enamine is the leading producer and supplier of building blocks and compound libraries for drug discovery, serving the industry since 1991. The company is a developer of cutting-edge technology for generating ultra-large chemical space for hit discovery (REAL space), with molecules accessible with 80%+ rate, within 3-4 weeks. The technology is based on the world's largest stock of building blocks and proprietary framework for compound library synthesis.  

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